Since 2007, one week of happening, concerts and masterclasses. Over 1.000 spectators and more than 150 competitors from many countries all over the World.
An event that in 7 years has become an international appointment and point of reference in this sector.
The organizers coordinate 3 competitions at the same time and shall endeavor to ensure the smooth succession of trials of competitors: this is “Strumenti&Musica Festival”.
During the event take place the Internal Contest of Accordion (Classic, Virtuoso and ensemble categories) and two International Competitions for Piano: “Muzio Clementi” and “Alfonso Rendano”.
Another appointment of a great importance is the “Giancarlo Menotti Award” dedicated to the ensemble and pianist considered to be the most deserving by the jury. The winners perform in the “Casa Menotti,” very prestigious residence in Spoleto belonging to Maestro Giancarlo Menotti, founder of the Festival of Two Worlds.
The event concludes with the Concert of Winners of the sections of Piano and Accordion accompanied every year by a Symphony Orchestra.
The Festival is organized by IAC (Italian Accordion Culture), no profit association recognized as Italian Premiere Voting Member of CIA Imc-Unesco (Confederation Internationale des Accodeonistes).