It was April 1948 when, with some impetus from the Farfisa company,a new music magazine began its formidable editorial ascent. The magazine, simply entitled FISARMONICA, had the objective of linking together musicians, enthusiasts, teachers and manufacturers of an instrument that was rapidly becoming popular. Following the trend of its readers it evolved in January 1965 into STRUMENTI E MUSICA and stayed that way until 2003 when the unforgettable Maestro Bio Boccosi, director and driving force of the magazine stopped working at the age of 92. At that moment a great void was c reated , even if partly filled by the fine efforts of certain artists and intellectuals. The disappearance of a periodical which: provided news, published results of competitions and reviews of festivals, told of the schools of the CDMI,pubblicised instruments and artists, made known new talents; was particularly sad for me. Friends and colleagues know that I have always wanted to revive the pubblication, increasing its possibilities and inserting some multilingual articles. For this aim, I have searched for, proposed to, insisted and in the end, found a committed and qualified editorial staff. The friendship of great artists and teachers has done the rest. The editorial office is already independent, although I will always take it upon myself to ask them for creativity and at the same time will do my best to facilitate contacts and connections especially those outside of Italy. My heartfelt thanks go to Fabio Boccosi who has allowed Strumenti e Musica to start again. We will always be thankful to him and his father Bio who created it.